Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Off to a Good Start (1480)

I woke up a little early this morning and had the beginning of my story rumbling around in my brain. So I simply got up and got to it.

It turns out that the opening paragraph I previously wrote is not where I'm starting the story. I started completely from scratch and put 1480 words into the file. This feels like an order of magnitude more than I did last year by this time (it is, I had 88 words written in the morning last time and most of that was just outline, this is almost 20 times that much, and my outline is separate).

I think I've learned quite a bit about the craft of creating a story in the last year, too. I'm only about halfway through the first chapter and there's already conflict and a looming crisis. And my characters are talking about stuff that matters. This is fun.

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