Monday, November 27, 2006

Yay! over 40K (41,178)

Actually, I went over 40K with a productive day yesterday: almost 5000 words. I added another 1100 this morning and will try to get a couple thousand written tonight.

Being over the 40,000 mark is a big deal. It seems to put the 50,000 word goal in sight. But I know there is still a bunch of work to be done. First, I have to write about 3,000 words a day - every day - for the rest of the week. Then, after I let this thing, this story, which has changed focus and plot about a half a dozen times in the month, sit for a month or two, I will have to write a second draft.

On the up side, I will have written another 'novel'. And I can get back to my regular life. And I can get back to my other writing. Yay!

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