Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Plot plops into my lap

This morning the plot for my NaNoWriMo project plopped into my lap. Actually, it plopped into my head sometime during the night and I was able to get it transcribed into an outline form in the computer this morning.

I had been worrying over the thing for some time. It seemed obvious that I should figure out a way to set a mystery or thriller on a houseboat on Lake Roosevelt (where I vacationed this year). But I could not come up with a satisfactory angle on it. What would be the mystery? Would someone get killed? Why would that involve six or so middle-income empty-nesters on vacation? Wouldn't they just leave it to the police?

The answer came: they don't find trouble, trouble finds them - and won't leave. So the basic plot seems to be that the houseboat gets hijacked. The exact when and how and how it gets un-hijacked still need to be worked out. I have one sequence outlined, but it needs more work. But it's a start. I'm further along than I was when I did this last year. At least it feels like I am.

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